Village Greens - 10th October 2019
One of the pigs had to be roused out of bed today to come for his tea. Anyone who keeps pigs will know this is unusual porcine behaviour, as it's usually a bit of a scrum to be the first snout in the trough. We are hopeful that there is a simple explanation, seen many times before. He is a teenage pig, not renowned for self control, who has gobbled too many apples and given himself a hangover. He was gently snoring when I went to fetch him, protested with a few irritable grunts (the pig, not me) and hauled himself outdoors to indulge in a few more apples. The windfall rations would have been correct if shared equally between all pigs, but this bruiser had obviously shouldered his way in and hoovered up the lot. Hopefully he will be back in the thick of it tomorrow.
The orchard harvest is in full swing, there will be freshly pressed apple juice for sale, cheesy cauliflower and cider soup at lunchtime, and plenty of local apples to get your teeth into. Lots of other fruit and veg including cabbage, calabrese, leeks, cauliflower, sweetcorn and spinach.
Helping you save on single use plastic we now have shampoo and conditioner in bulk. We went for ‘Coconut’ as the perfume is modest and it is suitable for both men and women. If you would like a trial simply bring along a small bottle for a free sample. We are hoping to expand our range even further and would welcome donations of reusable bottles, particularly for toilet cleaner. If you bring along a container for a refill it would be helpful to drop it at the till as soon as you arrive so that it can be topped up when we have time, rather than a big queue building up if we have several people wanting refills all together.
Village Greens is a weekly community shop and cafe, selling local produce, groceries, cleaning products and lots more. We're open in the Hall in Mount from 9am til 2pm every Friday, and everyone is welcome.
We are publishing this Village Greens post on The Wool Company's web site because Village Greens is a community interest organisation in our local community that contributes enormously to the local community. And one day a week it is our nearest shop. All credit goes to Di Wells who also owns the copyright.
If you are in the area on a Friday morning pop in for a fabulous breakfast or lunch or a bit of shopping. You will be sure to get a warm welcome from Di and everyone else there.
At Village Greens you can find organic vegetables, fruit, salad, meat and dairy products. They supply a wide range of organic and/or Fair Trade dry goods and cleaning products. The cafe provides delicious home cooked organic breakfasts, tea and coffee and light lunches - usually a delicious home made soup. Homemade cakes and sausage rolls are usually available too.
See you there.